HASTE THE DAY Returns With Video For New Single 'Burn'

October 18, 2024

HASTE THE DAY, the metalcore band that made a scene splash in the '00s, is back. Their triumphant return comes in the form of the video for the brand new single "Burn". They also appeared at Furnace Fest earlier this month.

"Burn" marks the first new music from HASTE THE DAY in nearly a decade.

"We wrote 'Burn' to be a metalcore thrasher with harmonized guitar melodies, an epic chorus, a crushing breakdown riff, and lyrics about a broken system of justice focused on retaliation instead of restoration," says HASTE THE DAY singer Stephen Keech. "Being the first song that we've released in nine years, we wanted to put our best foot forward musically but also address an important topic in today's divided world: The more we try to tear others down, the more we destroy ourselves."

In other news, HASTE THE DAY will be playing a co-headline show with OH, SLEEPER at The Factory in Dallas, Texas on December 15.

"Burn" isn't the only new music on the way, as HASTE THE DAY is working on a new album, planned for 2025.

HASTE THE DAY announced its plans to disband in 2011. "We mainly feel as though we have created the best music we can and believe it is now time to move on to the next stage of our lives," bassist Michael Murphy said at the time in a statement on the band's web site.

Formed in 2001, HASTE THE DAY recorded an EP the following year before signing to Solid State/Tooth And Nail. They released six albums on the label, starting with 2004's "Burning Bridges".

In February 2014, it was announced that HASTE THE DAY would reform for one night with its original lineup in May of that year to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the album "Burning Bridges". The band later revealed that it would record a new album, 2015's "Coward", featuring both HASTE THE DAY vocalists — Jimmy Ryan (2002-2005) and Stephen Keech (2006-2011).

HASTE THE DAY 2024 is:

Stephen Keech - Vocals
Scott Whelan - Guitar
Dave Krysl - Guitar
Giuseppe Capolupo - Drums
Michael Murphy - Bass
Brennan Chaulk - Guitar

Photo credit: Dave Pluimer

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